The Engineering Process at TWI

The engineering process is the sequence of steps engineers follow to solve any issue. This process includes finding the goal as well as determining constraints, planning the building, and then testing. This is a vital aspect of any project at TWI and helps us ensure that our projects have high quality and safety standards. This is particularly crucial for New York City project as they must meet strict specifications.

In this stage students research the issue they’re faced with to determine what the issue is and to gather data. This is an open, student-centered approach to science that reorients classrooms away from traditional instruction.

At this moment, students brainstorm ideas about how they can solve the problem. This is done through discussions, writing on a whiteboard or using software. It’s okay if a few ideas aren’t working. You can try different methods and test them.

After studying and re-thinking the results after which the team selects an option to design and build. This could be on paper, using CAD software, or even through a prototype that could be physical or virtual. This is a fantastic step for students as they can build an actual prototype that will allow them to test out their ideas.

This is where the rubber meets the road for engineers since they have to stay within the constraints that are placed on them, including cost, time tools, resources, and more. Engineers must also keep in mind that their solutions have to be safe and efficient for use in real-world situations.

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